The Heian Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan. The Shrine is ranked as a Beppyou Jinja (the top rank for shrines) by the Association of Shinto Shrines. It is listed as an important cultural property of Japan. In 1895, a partial reproduction of the Heian Palace from Heian-kyo (the former name of Kyoto) was planned for construction for the 1100th anniversary of the establishment of Heian-kyo. The Industrial exposition fair (an exhibition of development of Japanese and foreign cultures) was held in Kyoto that year, where the replica was to be the main monument. However, failure to buy enough land where the Heian Palace used to stand, the building was built in Okazaki at 5/8 scale of the original. The Heian-jingu was built according to designs by Ito Chuta. After the Exhibition ended, the building was kept as a shrine in memory of the 50th Emperor, Emperor Kanmu, who was the Emperor when Heian-kyo became the capital. In 1940, Emperor Komei was added to the list of dedication. Source
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